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Prime Sponsor of Legislation

  • Rear Plate Only for Specialty Vehicles
  • Female Veteran's Specific License Plate 
  • Historic License Plate for Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles
  • Change Veteran's Commission to Veteran's Council
  • Establishment of the South Dakota State Veteran's Cemetery
  • Increase the property tax exemption for certain veterans with a disability and the surviving spouses
  • Authorize certain paraplegic or amputee veterans or their surviving spouses to retain a property tax exemption without having to reapply each year
  • Revise the periods of time during which veterans may use tuition benefits at institutions under the control of the Board of Regents

​Legislative Committees

  • Military and Veteran's Affairs  -  Chair
  • Retirement Laws  -  Chair
  • Energy and Commerce  -  Vice Chair
  • Transportation  -  Member
  • Education  -  Member