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Economic Development and Workforce Development

I've spent my career working on issues that are central to creating jobs.  As State Director for South Dakota's tech schools and President/CEO of the Associated General Contractors Building Chapter, I partnered with business leaders across the state to ensure our workforce was adequately trained to fill jobs.  We live in a competitive economic environment with other states vying to recruit the same businesses.  South Dakota must ensure our workforce is training to meet the challenge.  I want to be your voice by leveraging this experience in the legislature and the business world to continue to be an advocate for District 14.

Investing in a World-Class Education System

Children are our future and most important asset.  I support improving opportunities for K-12 programs, training in technical fields and post-secondary programs.  Education opens doors and provides opportunities for our children's future success.  We must assure they are effectively equipped with the knowledge and skill set needed to enter the workforce.  Education is a key component to ensure we can compete in the regional, national and global economy.

Keeping Your Taxes Low

South Dakota has thrived because of our low tax, business friendly environment.  Higher taxes mean more money out of your pocket.  Keeping taxes low encourages businesses to create jobs.  Low taxes also provide an incentive for businesses to start and relocate to South Dakota.

Holding the Line on Government Spending

It's important to take a common sense to spending.  Budgets are about priorities which must be set and then funded according to the money available.  I've managed budgets and had to make payroll.  Just like a family budget, our state must live within our means.  I support finding efficiencies and eliminating unnecessary spending.  Those dollars should be redirected to programs that work.

Support of Active Military and Veterans

When a young man or woman enlists in the military, whether active or reserve, a great personal sacrifice is made to serve our country.  I honor that service and hold them in high esteem.  Legislation in support of military and veterans has provided for education tuition assistance and job placement.  For veterans of eastern South Dakota the creation of a South Dakota State Veteran's Cemetery has become a reality.